Year end results for 2020
Shared on 25 February 2021, by Felix
We follow and embrace the spirit of open stats here at Share-A-Cart and with that in mind, we wanted to drop a few words about our performance for the year 2020. We’ve made great many improvements to the website and expanded our coverage of the online retailers in the past year. So, let’s go over some of the statistics we have collected about usage of Share-A-Cart.
Cart Analytics
It has been the first year we have gathered and compiled statistics on the usage of our addons. In 2020, our users have created and shared more than 36,000 carts across a multitude of online retailers with more than 535,000 items. These carts have been accessed more than 154,000 times throughout the year.
The standouts are Amazon with over 75% of all carts, Walmart with nearly 20%, and all others garnering just over 5%. The items in carts break down has favored Walmart with 52% of all shared items closely followed by Amazon with 44% of all items.
More detailed analytics has been done on the entirety of Amazon traffic that yielded these interesting numbers. 92% of all Amazon carts have originated from vs 8% of international Amazon stores. Additionally, Amazon Whole Foods won out with 64% of the grocery traffic vs Amazon Fresh with 36%.
We foresee changes in these statistics for 2021, which we’ll publish as well when the time comes. We added many more vendors to the platform and ran active advertising campaigns to drive adoption. 2021 will also be a full calendar year for support for grocery sharing on Share-A-Cart for Amazon and Share-A-Cart for Walmart.
The statistics are shown above in a handy infographic. Feel free to steal it! The hardest thing about writing this article was avoiding the “hindsight” puns, but we got through it.